4 weeks / 672 hours / 40320 minutes

Well, a long month passed. No blogging being had. Exhaustion has set in. I have seatbelt announcements chiming through my head. Nightmares of a run in my nylons or mispronouncing Bombardier or tripping during my demo. Needless to say coffee is being consumed in mass proportions.

All this must mean that I PASSED my Ground School Training!

Yes, indeed it does.

As we were all previously briefed; I wore panty hose--every dang day; heels till my shin splints were howling; I curled my hair, which required thirty minutes less sleep than my normal 'bed head doo'; and I wore lipsti--wait, no, no, normal Virginia wears lipstick.

The point being, I did things I never thought I would do before. And other than silly style pet peeves, there were some really cool things I did for the first time, such as; learning how to save everyone in this virtual rooms life if you have a medical emergency; I passed every stinking and ridiculously challenging test; jumped down a 25 foot inflatable slide; I wasn't late one day to class, nope not once (for me this is a BIG deal); and I danced till 3am....okay this one isn't so much a school/flight attendant fact, but it was real fun.

These four weeks were nothing like I had imagined it would be...it was more, it was incredible, it was challenging, it was everything I thought I couldn't do, but somehow did. It felt good. It feels good to say it. It feels good to accomplish something that you never thought you would, never dreamt of doing. It's crazy how God lines up times of our lives, moments, people, and places to match our exact thirst.

I didn't know how badly I needed or in fact wanted this, but I'm so glad that it happened.

My first flight into the sky is coming up this week and I don't think I could be more nervous but so sure that I'm ready at the same time.

As my favorite saying is; here's to adventure.

*Orignally posted here on July 14th, 2017


a new kind of commute


to live.