five years time
A teacher of mine in High School, Mr. Davis my Creative Writing teacher, had us write letters to ourselves for five years after high school. Naturally, I completely forgot about this five years down the road, however what did I see today while opening the mail? A letter addressed to myself in Virginia's sloppy high school hand writing. There wasn't much significant about my letter, I wrote dreams and aspirations of mine, none of which have come true. But, one thing I wrote stood out to me; one thing I hope, is that everything is well, and if it's not, let this letter inspire you to go get your dreams-- your almost eighteen year old self.
I may not have accomplished all the things I may have wished I would have five years ago. But I have done some things that I would have never imagined. At the end of the letter, Mr. Davis asked us to reply to him showing him if and how we still that, this is my response.
five years
forty three thousand and eight hundred hours
seven different hair colors
ten jobs
five countries
one thousand eight hundred and twenty five days
three favorite coffee shops
thirteen point one miles
twelve moves
one pupper
eight tattoos
two million six hundred, twenty nine thousand and thirty eight minutes
four new-used cars
nine novels started
fifty two events planned and catered
three hundred and seventy two flights flown
sixty months
eighteen mountains hiked
six road trips
two semesters of school
one best friend
two hundred and sixty weeks
zero regrets
countless lessons
same, red, lipstick stained coffee mugs
one hundred fifty seven million, seven hundred forty two and three hundred and ten seconds.
five years time.